mail address art.yumeonakayama@gmail.com
She has been interested in living things since the age of two.
She draws inspiration from her own real-life experiences.
She creates outdoor installation space works using the ecology and movement motifs of living creatures and nature.
The experiences she focuses on are the sensations and tensions that arise when humans are in actual contact with animals and nature.
She is deepening her research on works that convey the
"relationship between animals and humans" and
"time to think about the world of non-human creatures," which she herself finds fascinating.
She is currently enrolled in the doctoral program of the Department of Design at Tokyo University of the Arts.
2022 Entered Ph.D program in Design, Tokyo University of the Arts
2022 Graduated , M.A.in Design, Tokyo University of the Arts
2020 Graduated , B.A.in Design, Tokyo University of the Arts
2013 Graduated , Tokyo Metropolitan High School of Arts, Department of Design
2024 Group Exhibition "The 11th Flower and Green, Life and Heart Exhibition"
/ National Showa Memorial Park, Green and Flower Cultural Center
2024 "Ateljé Stundars guest artists", Artist-in-Residence Program, Stundars Open Air Museum and
Centre of Culture and Art, Stundarsintie 5, 65450 SOLF, Finland
May 01 ~ August 31
2023 Group Exhibition "The 10th Flower and Green, Life and Heart Exhibition"
/ National Showa Memorial Park, Green and Flower Cultural Center
2023 Yumeo Nakayama Solo Exhibition "Shall we relax?"
/French Government Official Institution, Institut français Tokyo